
Administrator roles#



User Administrator

Manage all aspects of user accounts and roles, including deactivating users

Global Administrator

Manage all aspects of the platform and system services

Data Hub roles#



Data Hub Viewer

List and view dataset information in Data Hub

Data Hub Writer

Register datasets to Data Hub

Data Hub Uploader

Upload data files and register the datasets to Data Hub

Data Hub Administrator

Manage all aspects of datasets in Data Hub

Dataset Inspector

Edit the attributes and contents of datasets registered to Data Hub

Dataset Viewer

Access dataset view in Data Hub

Dataset Downloader

Manage access methods and download the files of datasets from Data Hub

Tool registry service (TRS) roles#



Tool Registry Viewer

List and view tools registered to the Tool Registry

Tool Registry Writer

Create and register tools to the Tool Registry

Tool Register Administrator

Manage all aspects of the Tool Registry

Tool User

View tool versions and download tool files in the Tool Registry

Tool Developer

Create and manage tool versions and files in the Tool Registry

Label roles#



Label Viewer

List and view labels

Label Writer

Create and edit labels

Label Administrator

Manage all aspects of labels, including label heirarchy, color assignment, etc.

Job roles#



Job Viewer

View the list of workflow runs in Jobs

Job Executor

Create and schedule workflow runs in Jobs

Job Administrator

Manage all aspects of the Jobs service, including operator pipelines, runtime options, and workflow engine parameters