Configure storage log access#

To access log records for data processing activities on SeqsLab, users must have a data access role such as Storage Blob Data Reader. Such roles are assigned in managed resource groups, which hold all the resources required by managed applications on Azure.


  • Role with permission to manage role assignments in resource groups (for example, Owner or User Access Administrator)

  1. On the Azure portal, click the name of a storage account in the managed resource group.

  2. On the left menu, click Access control (IAM).

  3. Click + Add and then select Add role assignment.

  4. On the Add role assignment screen, configure the following settings:

  • Role:* Select Storage Blob Data Reader. Users, groups, and service principals with this role are granted read access to Azure Storage blob containers and data.

  • Assign access to: Select the entity types that require access to log records.

  • Select: Select the specific users, groups, service principals, or managed identities that require access to log records.
    You can search the directory for specific display names or email addresses.

  1. Click Save.

View storage logs#

  1. On the Azure portal, click the name of a storage account in the managed resource group.

  2. On the left menu, click Containers.

  3. Click the name of any container to view the associated log records.

Next steps#

Recommend: Manage Container Registry