Tool Registry Service (TRS) subcommands#

Table 7 Tools subcommands#





Delete a TRS tool version based on the tool ID and tool version ID.

tool-id STR
Specify a TRS ID (required).
version-id STR
Specify a TRS version.


Create a SeqsLab execs.json file.

working-dir STR
Specify the absolute working directory path hosting all WDL files (required). For example, /home/ubuntu/wdl/.
inputs STR
Specify the folder path of inputs.json in relation to the working directory (required). For example, inputs.json.
main-wdl STR
Specify the folder path of the main WDL file in relation to the working directory (required). For example, main.wdl.
output STR
Specify the output filename of execs.json in relation to the working directory (optional, default = execs.json).


Register TRS file object.

tool-id STR
Specify the ID of a tool that you have already registered, where you plan to register the file in (required).
version-id STR
Specify the ID of a version that you have already registered, where you plan to register the file in (required).
descriptor-type {WDL,CWL,NFL}
Specify the descriptor type of a tool that you have already registered, where you plan to register the file in (required).
working-dir STR
Specify the path of the working directory (required).
file-info STR
Specify the file description used to register TRS. The default value is extracted from the workflow section of the execs.json file (optional).


Get tool files using the SeqsLab API request /trs/v2/tools/{id}/versions/ {version_id}/{type}/files/.

tool-id STR
Specify a TRS ID.
version-id STR
Specify a TRS version.
download-path STR
Specify the file path for the tool ZIP file download (required).
descriptor-type {WDL,CWL}
Specify the TRS descriptor type (optional, default = WDL).


List image tags and details of given repositories in an SCR.

scr-id STR
Specify the SCR ID (required). repositories str [str ...] Specify the repository names you want to query (required).
reload BOOLEAN
Specify whether to force reload system cache for SCR (optional, default = False).


Display a list of existing tools.

output {json,table}
Specify the output format of the stdout file (optional, default = json).
Specify the page number in the set of paginated records (optional, default = 1).
Specify the number of records to return in each page (optional, default = 10).
Specify the ID of each tool version (required).


Register a TRS tool object.

name STR
Specify the name of the tool that you want to register (required).
Specify whether or not this tool has a checker tool associated with it (optional).
checker-url CHECKER-URL
Specify the URL of the checker tool that you want to register (optional).
aliases ALIASES
Specify the aliases of the tool that you want to register (optional).
description STR
Specify the description of the tool that you want to register (optional).
toolclass-description STR
Specify the type of tool that you want to register (optional).
toolclass-name STR
Specify the type of tool that you want to register (optional).
id STR
Specify a custom identifier for the tool (optional). The identifier must only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphen, and underline.


Register the TRS object version.

workspace STR
Specify the workspace based on the signed in account (required).
tool-id STR
Specify the ID of a tool that you have already registered where you plan to register the file in (required).
id STR
Specify the version of the tool that you want to register (required). For example, 0.1, 0.1.2, 1.0, 1.1, etc.
descriptor-type {WDL,CWL,NFL}
Specify the descriptor type of the tool that you want to register in this version (required).
images STR
Specify a JSON string describing a list of images that you want to register in this version (required).
name STR
Specify the name of the version that you want to register (optional).
Specify whether or not the version of the tool that you want to register is for production use (optional, default = false).
Specify whether or not this version of the tool that you want to register is signed (optional, default = false). For example, Interactive mode: signed=True/False, CLI mode: given –signed or not given.
included-apps INCLUDED-APPS
Specify the apps to be included with the tool that you want to register in this version (optional). For example, CLI mode: –included-apps app1 app2 app3, …, Interactive mode: included-apps=[‘app1’, ‘app2’, …].
verified-source VERIFIED-SOURCE
Specify the verified source of the tool that you want to register in this version (optional).
Specify whether or not the version of the tool that you want to register is verified (optional, default = false). For example, CLI mode: verified=True/False, Interactive mode: –verified or no value specified.
author AUTHOR
Specify the author of the tool that you want to register in this version (optional).