Register a TRS tool to the SeqsLab platform#


This tutorial will help you register a tool to SeqsLab.


Before you begin, you will need the following:

About TRS#

GA4GH TRS(external link) defines a tool as a series of data manipulation steps that may be linearly sequential or fan out in a tree and then aggregate the results in what is often called a DAG(external link). Each individual step usually executes an individual script or a binary executable, and thus data are fed from overall input files, manipulated by each step, and output files are generated. Aiming to achieve truly shareable, reproducible, and transparent scientific tools/workflows, GA4GH TRS API provides a process to define tools with the aid of standardized workflow languages, and runtime environment containerization.

SeqsLab follows the GA4GH TRS standard. The following diagram provides an overview of the required steps for bringing your tools to the SeqsLab platform.
